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Clifford Almeida Clifford Almeida

How My Web Audit tool can improve your sales funnel

Have you encountered prospective clients who are suspicious or angry because they have previously paid a “website expert” to build their website or sales funnel, but they turned out to be a college student or a salesperson with no web experience who used an offshore agency that botched the job? There's a glut of poorly qualified “experts” out there making business owners justifiably wary of anyone trying to sell them web services.

As a web developer or digital marketing professional, you have to stand out from the crowd so your message stands out from the rest. As a web professional, you know a lot goes into learning the ins and outs of web development and staying on top of the most current trends that make a website successful. That is not the case for the vast majority of business owners who know little about any of that and just want their website to help them convert visitors into customers, so they can generate more revenue. Since they don't understand how websites and digital marketing work, and the value it can have on their business they are often times skeptical and are wary of spending money on something that they don't have any guarantees will work for them.

Personalize your services, and make them easier to understand

It can be difficult to describe website optimization to a business owner without overwhelming them, but an SEO audit tool that assesses their website, calculates a score for how they do in specific categories, and identifies improvements and presents it in a manner that is easy to understand can make the job a lot easier. By presenting the information this way, you take it out of the invisible world of the web and put them into easy to understand terms a business owner can understand, value and can take action on.

When you can reach out to website owners this way, and offer a free assessment of their website, you can show them how to fix the simpler issues and explain how you can help them with the factors that require your expertise. This lets you easily bring them right into your sales funnel at the stage where they are already interested and know that you can help solve their problem.

Deliver tremendous value with minimal investment on your part

The website and digital marketing space is very competitive. You have to stand out, and giving value to your prospects before they have invested anything in you is a great way to do it. They need to know that they can trust you before they can hire you to do something as important as work on their website.

An SEO assessment can help build that trust in a couple of ways. For one, by giving them a free assessment, you have demonstrated goodwill towards their business, and shown that you want them to succeed, whether they pay you or not.

Another way it builds trust is that you have shown that you know what you are talking about. By giving them a score for important factors such as conversion optimization, performance and SEO you give them insight into how the process works— and when you can take the mysterious world of coding and ranking and translate it in a way that makes sense to them, they have reason to believe you know what you are doing.

The investment of time and energy on your part compared to the value you can give is very small. This is because, with the right tool, you can perform a website and SEO audit measuring dozens of points in 5 minutes or less. As if that weren't enough, My Web Audit is a tool that not only runs the tests and calculates the results, but it also generates a comprehensive report for you and a beautiful PowerPoint slide deck that is ready for you to present to your client.

You no longer have to do the work then spend hours researching, writing, editing, and formatting a report for the prospective client. My Web Audit does it all for you.

Increased conversion rates

When you get a prospect into a typical sales funnel, they are opting in to get a free report. That usually means they have seen an ad that caught their interest, or maybe clicked on a link to your site in an article that interested them. The report gets emailed to them, and now you have them on your list, so even if they don't read the report, you can contact them with more information. That means most entrants into your funnel are in the mild-interest stage, not necessarily even tire-kickers yet.

When you bring them into the funnel with an SEO assessment, they are going to be very interested because you aren't just giving them something that may be useful sometime. You are giving them useful information that is pertinent to their business right now. They know you have what they need, so converting them into a paying customer is just one small step from there.

The opt-in rate for a web audit is much higher than it would be for a PDF because while a “5-step Guide to Securing Your Website” may contain relevant information, a web audit offers specific information about their own website that is immediately actionable.

You can offer a free SEO audit to visitors to your website 24 hours a day by putting up a widget that displays an opt-in box where they can fill in their URL, primary keyword and email address to generate the assessment and report. My Web Audit will send you a notification when the assessment is requested and another one when the report is actually read by the user so that you will know just when to reach out and offer additional support.

You can also personalize the report they receive so they get the right message based on your own branding and marketing strategy.

Address & prioritize what matters to them

As an experienced web designer or developer, you know that there are a lot of details that go into each page of a website. Some matter more than others, and which is which can change in a short period of time, so it's important to have tools that are current. My Web Audit is continually updated to track and measure the most important aspects of a website as technology and usage patterns change.

It's also important that an SEO audit measures things that matter. My Web Audit not only measures the things that matter, but it prioritizes them in the report, so your client can take action on the things that will have the biggest impact and give the most results in a short period of time—often within the week.

It's not unusual for business websites to have ignored key website conversion factors that are extremely easy to fix, such as the phone number not being shown or the absence of any kind of lead capture form.

A business owner may not realize it's standard practice to include trust factors such as awards, certifications, affiliations, testimonials and case studies. Or maybe they haven't done something very basic like claiming their business in Google My Business. These are easy fixes that will improve rankings and conversions almost immediately. Our web audit tool will pick them up right away, and you already know how to fix them, so they become a quick and easy way for you to give value to your prospective client.

A good web audit covers all the essentials

While there are characteristics of website design that are specifically related to SEO, search engines like Google have become so sophisticated that all the major aspects of good website design affect how it will do in the search rankings, so an SEO web audit needs to be comprehensive.

User experience, conversion optimization, performance, and security are all key to successful SEO, so My Web Audit assesses them all. It looks at whether the site is mobile friendly, has user-friendly navigation, proper usage of images and video, and even whether the headlines and page copy are relevant.

Save time and money

Being able to use one tool to accomplish many steps of a process makes it much more efficient. The reports can be customized with your own branding and messaging to ensure your audit points complement your messaging, brand and your audience persona. You can also include custom calls to action, testimonials and countdown timers into your reports to help you convert your audit into a customer.

We can't think of any other tool that gives you this much information in under five minutes, can you? The tool guides the process, performs the calculations, and generates the client-ready report, which can be sent directly to your prospect using our email templates, or you can get it first and walk them through it, offering suggestions as you go and making you the hero of the day. Once the prospect becomes a customer and signs on for your services, you can go back to the in-depth SEO tools you currently use to design their new website strategy, but you will be getting paid fairly for the hours you invest.

Build trust and close better

Our agency and our users have a much higher closing percentage when we use the audit reports and present the information effectively. Our prospects respond so favorably to the information presented in the reports that we are closing upwards of 50% of qualified leads. You can get started seeing results like this for yourself by signing up for your free 14-day trial of My Web Audit today!

Clifford Almeida

About Clifford Almeida

I’m a serial entrepreneur, agency owner, change-maker and globe trotter. I created My Web Audit to help web professionals generate more leads and close more deals faster.

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