Google Business Profile Audit Report

Audit and optimize your agency client's Google Business Profile to boost their local rankings.

This Google Business Profile audit report is perfect for generating an actionable checklist of recommended optimization strategies. Implement them to help your prospects' and clients' GBP profiles get more visibility and drive more online and foot traffic to their businesses.

Stand out from the competition by delivering value and building trust so you can start generating more revenue for your business today.

Easily brand and personalize our Google Business Profile Audit for your agency for free today using our Google Business Profile audit report.

View Our Google Business Profile Audit Report
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Run a Google Business Profile Audit to Discover Opportunities

Run a Google Business Profile audit to discover opportunities for growing your client's business

  • Quickly analyze and identify GBP optimization strategies to boost your prospect or client's visibility and outrank the competition.
  • Eliminate the guesswork and follow our proven step by step actionable GBP audit checklist and how to directions.
  • Prioritize tasks that will create the highest impact so you can deliver quick wins!

Get the most important Google Business Profile optimization insights all in one place

  • Discover challenges and present them to your prospects or clients as opportunities to rank higher locally.
  • Make informed, data-driven decisions based on industry best practices to consistently deliver better results.
  • Use these insights as part of your lead generation or sales process to build trust, establish your expertise and deliver value so you can generate more revenue.
Get the Most Important Google Business Profile Optimization Insights All in One Place
Best GBP/ GMB audit tool for agencies

Best GBP/ GMB audit tool for agencies

  • Save hours on every audit with our automated GBP/GMB auditing process, allowing you to focus on strategy and rather than data analysis.
  • Impress clients with beautiful, professional reports that clearly communicate actionable insights to drive results.
  • Gain a competitive edge by easily comparing your clients' profiles against local competitors, identifying key opportunities to grow.

Google Business Profile Audits For Agencies Workshop Videos

Google Business Profile (GBP) Audits: Sell More GBP Audits & Services In Your Agency

Google Business Profile (GBP) Audits: Running & Analyzing GBP Audit Insights

Presenting Google Business Profile (GBP) Audits & Closing The Deal

Google Business Profile (GBP) Audits For Agencies Q&A Session

Google Business Profile Audit FAQs

Conducting a thorough Google Business Profile (GBP) audit is crucial for optimizing your clients local search presence. As an SEO or web agency professional, efficiency and accuracy are paramount.

By using specialized GBP audit Software like My Web Audit you can reduce a 1-2 hour manual Google Business Profile audit to just 2-3 minutes, significantly increasing your productivity.

The audit report looks great and is ready to present an easy-to-understand report to your clients. Here’s an example of a comprehensive Google Business Profile audit.

A Google Business Profile audit will help your clients that care about local business optimize their GBP profile, which in turn will raise their local ranking and visibility in Google's local search results so they get more calls and foot traffic. In other words, a GBP audit will help your client's business grow.

There are several reasons why offering a GBP audit is beneficial to your agency, from lead generation and sales to winning back past clients.

  • It's an easy to understand report that helps you deliver value quickly while helping you establish your expertise, builds trust and ultimately helps you close more sales.
  • It's a great productized offering that you can execute in a couple of hours.
  • Since it's easy to execute agencies can use it as a foot in the door offer to later upsell or cross sell other services like web design and SEO.
  • Helps you win back previous clients by giving you an easy way to reach back out and restarting the conversation by leading with value vs. just asking for their business again.

Improving your client's Google Business Profile (GBP) visibility requires a comprehensive approach. Start with a thorough GBP audit using specialized software like My Web Audit to identify optimization opportunities quickly. Focus on key elements like NAP consistency, accurate categories, compelling descriptions, quality visuals, and active review management. Regular content updates through GBP posts and offers can boost engagement and visibility.

However, GBP optimization doesn't exist in isolation. It's crucial to align it with broader local SEO strategies. Ensure your client's website is optimized with location-specific landing pages, local schema markup, and mobile responsiveness. Build and manage consistent local citations across online directories. Develop a targeted link-building strategy focusing on local and industry-relevant sources. Creating this cohesive local SEO ecosystem'll significantly enhance your client's visibility in local search results and drive more qualified traffic to their business.

You can optimize your client's GBP profile by addressing these common issues:

  • Ensuring all sections of the profile are filled out thoroughly and accurately.
  • Choosing relevant primary and secondary business categories.
  • Ensuring the Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) information is accurate, consistent and matches other directory listings on the web.
  • Posting relevant photos, and uploading new photos regularly.
  • Adding product and service information.
  • Encouraging customers to leave reviews.
  • Responding to GBP reviews.
  • Publishing new GBP posts on a regular basis.

We have created an in-depth Google Business Profile audit that not only uncovers these problems, it also gives you brief instructions on how to fix them. Click here to check our Google Business Profile audit template for web and seo agencies.

A Google Business Profile audit is a comprehensive review of a business's Google Business Profile (GBP), formerly known as Google My Business (GMB) listing. It involves analyzing all aspects of the profile to ensure accuracy, completeness, and optimization for better local search visibility.

It generally includes evaluating the following:

  • NAP Consistency: Name, Address, Phone number
  • Business Categories: Primary and secondary
  • Business Description: Keyword optimization and accuracy
  • Media: Quality and relevance of photos and videos
  • Reviews: Quantity, quality, and management
  • Posts and Updates: Frequency and engagement
  • Q&A Section: Completeness and accuracy
  • Products and Services: Listing completeness
  • Attributes: Relevance and comprehensiveness
  • Local Pack Performance: Visibility for target keywords

A Google Business Profile(GBP) audit is crucial because it helps local businesses identify and fix issues that may be hindering their local search performance. It ensures that the business information is accurate, complete, and optimized, which can lead to improved visibility in local search results and Google Maps. This leads to more phone calls, website visits, and foot traffic.

It's recommended to perform a comprehensive audit at quarterly or every 6 months. However, regular monitoring and updates should be done more frequently, ideally on a monthly basis, to ensure the profile remains current and competitive.

A GMB audit tool is a specialized software designed to analyze and evaluate Google My Business (GMB) (now Google Business Profile (GBP) listings. It helps agencies and freelancers quickly assess the completeness, accuracy, and optimization level of a business's GMB profile.

GMB audit tools offer several benefits:

  • Time efficiency: Automate the audit process, reducing manual work
  • Consistency: Ensure all key elements are checked for every client
  • Scalability: Easily manage multiple client audits
  • Professional reporting: Generate client-ready reports with actionable insights
  • Competitive analysis: Compare client profiles against local competitors

Some useful tools include:

  • My Web Audit
  • Google Business Profile Insights
  • Google Search Console
  • BrightLocal

Common issues include:

  • Incomplete or inaccurate business information
  • Poorly chosen or missing categories
  • Low-quality or outdated photos and videos
  • Lack of customer reviews or poor ratings
  • Unanswered customer questions or reviews
  • Inconsistent information across the web (NAP inconsistencies)
  • Unused features like posts, products, or services

A thorough audit and subsequent optimization can significantly improve local SEO by:

  • Improving the accuracy of business information
  • Enhancing visibility in local search results and Google Maps
  • Boosting credibility and trust signals
  • Aligning the profile with local search ranking factors
  • Increasing engagement leading to more calls, website visits and foot traffic.

Key metrics to track include:

  • Search visibility (impressions in local results and Maps)
  • Click-through rate (CTR) for calls, website visits, and directions
  • Number and quality of customer reviews
  • Engagement with posts and photos
  • Ranking for target keywords in local searches

Agencies can demonstrate value by:

  • Providing before-and-after comparisons of key metrics
  • Showing improvements in local search rankings
  • Highlighting increases in customer engagement and conversions
  • Demonstrating enhanced brand visibility and reputation management
  • Offering regular reports on profile performance and optimization efforts

Google Business Profile (GBP) audit and optimization is a vital component of local search optimization that focuses on enhancing a business's visibility in local search results and Google Maps. For web and SEO agencies, it involves optimizing all aspects of a client's GBP, including accurate information, keyword-rich descriptions, and regular content updates. The goal is to increase the likelihood of appearing in the "Map Pack" for relevant local searches and to boost overall local search visibility.

Effective GBP optimization when looking to dominate locally goes beyond profile optimization. It requires aligning GBP information with on-site local SEO efforts, managing reviews, maintaining citation consistency, and leveraging social signals. By implementing a comprehensive GBP SEO strategy, agencies can significantly improve their clients' local search performance, drive targeted traffic, and increase conversions from local customers. This approach creates a powerful synergy between GBP and broader local SEO efforts, ultimately fostering local business growth.

A comprehensive Google Business Profile (GBP) audit is crucial for optimizing local search presence. Agencies should focus on these critical elements:

  • Profile fundamentals are the cornerstone of a GBP audit. This includes verifying profile ownership, ensuring NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency across all citations, and selecting relevant primary and secondary business categories. Accurate business hours and a keyword-optimized business description are also essential.
  • Visual content and user engagement significantly impact GBP performance. Audit the quality and relevance of photos and videos, as they can greatly influence user decisions. Review management is equally important – assess the quantity, quality, and business responses to customer reviews. Additionally, examine the use of GBP features like posts, products/services listings, and Q&A sections to ensure maximum profile utilization.

For a detailed breakdown of all crucial audit points, agencies can refer to comprehensive Google Business Profile (GBP) audit report. These resources can help ensure no critical elements are overlooked, leading to a more effective optimization strategy for clients.

Pricing Google Business Profile (GBP) audits requires strategic consideration, balancing value delivery with market positioning:

Entry-level strategy: Offer a basic GBP audit as a complimentary service. This approach serves as an effective foot in the door strategy, showcasing your expertise and potentially converting prospects into long-term clients. It's also a valuable tool for re-engaging past clients, demonstrating your ongoing commitment to their success.

Value-based pricing: For a comprehensive audit and optimization, consider a pricing range of $299 to $699+, depending on the depth of analysis, what you include as part of the optimization and your agency's market position. Factors influencing price include business complexity, competitive landscape, and the scope of recommendations provided.

Time-based calculation: A thorough GBP audit typically requires 1-2+ hours, including analysis and report preparation. Use your agency's hourly rate as a baseline, then adjust based on the perceived value and potential impact for the client. This should still be kept into consideration even if you use GBP tools and software like My Web Audit to run comprehensive GBP audits in 5 minutes.

Remember, the audit is often a gateway to ongoing optimization services. Consider packaging the audit with implementation services or a broader local SEO strategy for increased client value and agency revenue. Tailor your pricing to reflect your agency's expertise and the transformative potential of optimized GBP profiles in local search performance.

Conducting a thorough Google Business Profile (GBP) audit varies significantly based on the methodology you use in your agency.

Manual Approach: A detailed manual audit can take 1-2 hours per profile. This includes analyzing all GBP elements, cross-referencing with competitors, and formulating recommendations.

When you use My Web Audit GBP sfotware, a comprehensive Google Business Profile (GBP) audit takes about five minutes to complete. The audit software even creates a beautiful and actionable report for you to present to your clients.

A well-structured Google Business Profile (GBP) audit report is crucial for agencies to demonstrate value to clients and guide optimization efforts. Here's an example of a professional GBP audit report.

By presenting a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand audit report, agencies can clearly demonstrate the need for GBP optimization and set the stage for ongoing local SEO services. This approach not only provides immediate value but also helps in building long-term client relationships.

A Google Business Profile (GBP) audit is essential for improving local SEO results because it directly impacts a business's visibility in local search rankings. Google, prioritize well-optimized GBPs when displaying results for local queries. An optimized profile significantly increases the chances of appearing in the coveted "Map Pack" - the prominent local pack listings featuring map results at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Businesses featured in the Map Pack typically experience a substantial increase in customer engagement, including more phone calls, website visits, and foot traffic.

By conducting GBP audits, businesses can identify and address optimization opportunities, ensuring they maintain a competitive edge in local search results and capitalize on the high-intent traffic that local searches generate.